Tonitto 1939 lands on Alibaba

Italian gelato and sorbets are now available on the Chinese e-commerce platform. The company from Liguria, already present with its products in over 30 countries
Tonitto, the third generation brings sorbet to the USA

Tonitto 1939, a historic Genoese company producing ice cream and sorbets (for the latter it is the first in Italy), is preparing to land in the United States
Ice cream in winter, a strategy to get back in shape

As the summer months approach, the desire to get back in shape returns, thanks to the long time spent at home due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Export, Tonitto 1939 looks to the American dream

The Ligurian manufacturer of ice cream and sorbets has obtained two certifications to export its products to the United States
Ice cream 4.0 is here: digital transformation has never been so tasty

By June 2021, the tech revolution of a traditional market involving finance, commercial and production areas will be completed. The sorbet will also be automated and in the cloud
New trade agreements with Belgium and Portugal

Two new commercial agreements signed to increase presence abroad The Genoese producer of ice creams and sorbets Tonitto 1939 (10 million euros in turnover expected for this year) has signed new commercial agreements intended to further increase revenues generated abroad. Italia Oggi Leggi di più
Christmas 2020, Tonitto 1939 launches sustainable Panettone

It’s not Christmas without panettone and for 2020 there is also the sustainable one. Thinking about it is the Ligurian company, Tonitto 1939, which has chosen to make the typical Christmas cake in a modern way. Fonte adnkronos
Tonitto 1939 to South Africa and Australia

The sorbets of Ligurian SMEs focus on summer in the southern hemisphere
Yummy ice creams inside and out

Product packaging is recyclable. “And of the converted plastic ones we recommend turning them into jars” says the CEO Luca Dovo
Tonitto from Genoa to the conquest of China

The Genoese company lands at Shanghai’s Oriental Pearl Tower: the Chinese ice cream market which is the second largest in the world Con i suoi 468 metri di altezza e le sue cinque sfere l’Oriental Pearl Tower di Shanghai è la quarta più alta torre delle telecomunicazioni al mondo. La sua forma è basata sull’evocativo […]